
At IDEWE, we aim to keep our tools and sites as accurate and up to date as possible. We put great effort into ensuring the completeness and accuracy of information. Nevertheless, IDEWE cannot guarantee that the information we provide is complete, fully accurate or current. If this information does exhibit any shortcomings, we do our best to resolve them as soon as possible. We do not accept any liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information. If you notice any errors, you can bring them to our attention by emailing


Texts, layout, images, articles, publications and other items on this site are protected by copyright. Copies, adaptations, translations, edits, modifications to all or part of this site, in any form or by any means, are strictly prohibited unless prior written consent has been granted by IDEWE. Web applications made available by IDEWE are also subject to IDEWE’s copyright and intellectual property rights.

Personal data

We will never pass on personal data provided by you to third parties unless required to do so by law. Privacy law stipulates that you have access to any and all of your personal data contained in our records. You have the right to access and rectify this data. IDEWE will treat this information in a strictly confidential manner and use it solely for internal management purposes and within the context of our services.
Want to know more about our privacy policy? Go to

IDEWE Web Applications

Users of IDEWE web applications are responsible for managing their assigned usernames and associated passwords themselves.

The personal and customer data stored on an IDEWE server comply with international and national laws, in particular the GDPR and the Belgian Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons and personal data. IDEWE cannot be held liable for errors or loss of this data, nor for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever. Any IDEWE employee may consult the stored data without the consent of the tool’s user. All IDEWE employees are contractually and legally bound to confidentiality.

Use of National Registration Number

The National Registry Sectoral Committee authorises External Services for Prevention and Protection at Work, including IDEWE, to use employees’ national register number in communications with affiliated employers, to allow for the optimal monitoring of individual and prevention records. IDEWE may only use national registration numbers in its relations with employers to receive or provide information about a number’s holder in the context of legal or regulatory obligations, such as those imposed by the regulations on work-related diseases and accidents at work.


Emails and attachments are confidential and only intended for use by the individual or group to whom an email is addressed. If you receive an email by mistake, please notify us at and delete the message from your computer. Neither use of this information by others, nor its publication, reproduction, distribution or dissemination to third parties, is permitted without the express consent of IDEWE. Any views or opinions presented in an email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of IDEWE.

IDEWE assumes that recipients check emails and attachments for viruses and accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by email.

An email without additional security (e.g. encryption) is not generally considered a secure method of sending information. Senders should be aware of this and carefully consider the content of their emails. Avoid sending unsecured sensitive information by email.